January 20, 2025

January is one of my favorite months for many reasons, including the sense of renewal and reset that a new year brings. I pull out my power tools of imagination and intention to focus on what I’d like to create. Focus is an ongoing challenge for me, which is why I’ve been reading “Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life” by Joshua Becker.
I do have a meaningful and joyful life, but I am easily distracted, as those who know me well can attest. This keeps me from accomplishing my goals as easily as I might otherwise. Distractions can be energy thieves, and here are some common culprits: cell phones, email, social media and other media. Headlines and notifications grab our attention and take us off track. How do we manage the constant barrage of information and safeguard our sanity?
I have turned off most notifications, unsubscribed from numerous emails, reduced my use of social media, and limited my exposure to news media. I read news articles, listen to podcasts, and hop on Facebook for 5 minutes here and there, and that is enough. I follow some uplifting and valuable content which reminds me of the goodness still present in humanity. I need those signs to keep my hope alive.
I’ve found that by identifying my distractors, I can adjust or remove them. I can also identify my energizers and add more of those to my days. This brings freedom. Our distractors can include our thoughts and fears, our attachment to the past, and anxiety about the future. All of these distract us from the present and drain our energy.
I was recently introduced to Mel Robbins’ new book, “The Let Them Theory” which is increasing my awareness. She points out that we give away our energy and power when we try to control the things we can’t control (we know this, but I sure need the reminder). This includes getting upset or worrying about those things, such as what other people are thinking, doing, or feeling.
There are only 3 things we can control, and this is where our power lies: what we think, what we do, and how we process our emotions. As we learn to focus on these 3 and let go of the rest, we have time and energy for things that matter, like creative, purposeful work/activities, and loving, supportive relationships.
So I ask myself, What are the blocks, distractions, and thoughts that move me away from my highest and best, away from purpose, joy and fulfillment? I have the power to change or remove these so my inner light can shine. I can choose what to let in, and how to respond in every situation. As Mel says, the world needs our light right now, and it is our responsibility to glow.
As we face a year of uncertainty (which is every year), we may feel overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives, our country, our world. We may feel powerless and deeply disheartened. The truth is, we all carry the power of light and love, and our job is to use it. First, we must release our hold on the things we can’t control and focus on what is ours to own.
The way we live and love has a ripple effect. The simple things we say and do matter in the world, and only that which comes from love lasts. Kindness, compassion, service, generosity, humility - all expressions of our divinity - have a significant and lasting impact. These we can choose and control. When we reclaim our power and focus, our lives are transformed and transformative.
Today we remember and honor Martin Luther King, Jr. whose legacy of love, courage, and service lives on. Let us align ourselves with his example and turn from the chaos, cruelty, and fear that seek to distract us from meaning and purpose. Together may we set our intention to live more fully and freely and bring hope, healing, and joy to our world.
Rise & Shine,
Elisa J. Juarez